
Scientific direction and coordination: Raphaële Andrault and Ariane Bayle
Graphics direction and website design: Raphaël Benitez
Multimedia direction: department PAVM | DNUM of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (Alexandre Bocquier, René Clerc, Charles de Filippo, Victor Hamelin et Philippe Topalian)
Scientific collaboration: Elisa Andretta, Dominique Brancher, Nicolas Danziger, Luis Garcia-Larrea, Nicolas Lechopier, Pascal Luccioni, Patrick Mertens, Isabelle Moreau, Michèle Rosellini.
Artistic collaboration: audio recordings of texts by Géraldine Berger and Thomas Rortais (French version only); musical interpretation of Marin Marais by Les Nouveaux Caractères (Sébastien d’Hérin, Étienne Floutier and Caroline Mutel).
English translation: texts by Sarah Novak; videos by Romane Marcon and Marie Rabecq.

The original exhibition, organised in cooperation with Florence Gaume and Livia Rapatel, was held at the university medical library (BU Santé), Domaine Rockefeller, of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (December 2019- February 2020). Graphic design by Damien Favier.

This project was funded by the LabEx COMOD (University of Lyon, ANR-11-LABEX-0041) and carried out in collaboration with the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3. It received support from the following institutions: IHRIM (UMR 5317), ENS Lyon, CNRS, TGIR Huma-Num, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and BU Santé (Lyon).

The images used were provided by the Wellcome Collection, the BIU Santé (Paris), the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF) and the Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon (BDL), to all of which we are grateful.